We always need to Test the EWS 2 First, remember the EWS system has a built in RELAY that basically just performs a U Turn (Loop) to your starter. Lets first Locate your EWS, since most models are different, you can click EWS Locations and you will find BMW and Mini Cooper EWS locations.
- Step 1: Make sure that your car does Not Crank (Engine Doesn't Turn Over).
- Step 2: Remove your EWSII Unit and put it on the passenger seat so you don't forget its location.
- Step 3: Insert a WIRE into Pin 1 & 3 into the EWSII Female plug (The Two thickest Wires) (See Picture Below) Remember the wire needs to be tightened into the round female pins.

- Step 4: Try to Start the Engine, we are looking for a Crank only, the Engine will never run, however all we need at this point is to get the engine to turn over.
- Step 5: If Engine is Cranking go to Step 6 , If Engine is still Not Cranking go to Step 8.
- Step 6: Since the Engine is Cranking we need to do one last step. Please Check the Pins of the EWS FEMALE PLUG (We do not use colors, only PIN numbers) (Test Light or Multimeter is required)
PIN 5 = +12V (with Ignition ON) (FUSE F31 E36 Models)
- Step 7: If Step 4 & 6 are completed and ALL is OK then you need to send over your EWS with all your keys and order a BMW EWS2 KIT (01/1995 to 05/1998) OR BMW Unlocking DME Service (No EWS Required) OR Finally a BMW Unlocked DME (Overnight Shipping) from our online store.
- Step 8: (Engine Still Does Not Crank) You will need to make sure that Pin 3 (EWS Female Plug) is getting a +12V. If you are getting a +12V signal on PIN 3 EWS Female Plug then please GO-TO Step 9. If you are NOT getting a +12V to Pin2 on the EWS Female plug then please GO-TO Step 10.
- Step 9: (You are getting +12V from pin 3 in the EWS Female Plug : This means your Starter May or May Not be getting a +12V signal ----> Go to your Starter and Verify you are getting a +12V signal is being delievered ---- If Verified YES ---> Replace your Starter.
- Step 10: (You are Not getting a +12V signal from pin 3 : Go back to your Ignition Switch and see if its producing a 12V signal ----> If no 12v is coming out ----> Check if ignition switch has power. (All Solid RED Wires MUST have Power). ---> IF there is +12V GO-TO Step 11. If there is NO +12V on the RED solid wires GO-TO Step 12.
- Step 11: Replace Ignition Switch
- Step 12: If ignition switch has no power --> Check fuses, broken wires etc.
RPM MOTORSPORT LTD. Is only trying to help the BMW community and take no responsibility for You (The Customer) damaging any components in your vehicle, please make sure you have some kind of background in the BMW World before going deep into this.