Mini Cooper R50/R53 2000 to 2008 DME Revival Service (Bricked)
Product Information
This is a Repair Service for any Mini Cooper R50/R52/R53 W10 or W11 Engines equipped with a EMS2K or MS5150 DME that does not communicate due to programming failure (no crank no start).
Popular incidents may be one of the following below:
- Programming failure using BMW Progman V32.0 or higher
- Programming failure using BMW ISTA-P
- Programming failure using Autologic
- Programming failure with any BMW aftermarket tool.
- ECU got bricked due to a TUNE.
- ECU got bricked due to Programming
All of the above incidents would indicate that you need a NEW DME since your processor is now defective, however, we are able to repair your original ECU without the need of replacement.
Models Supported:
- MINI COOPER (R52) - (R53) W11 Engine From 09/2000 To 07/2004 DME Siemens EMS2K
- MINI COOPER (R50) - (R52) W10 Engine From 09/2001 To 07/2004 DME Siemens EMS2K
- MINI COOPER (R52) - (R53) W11 Engine From 04/2005 To 07/2008 DME Siemens MS5150
- MINI COOPER (R50) - (R52) W10 Engine From 09/2001 04/2005 To 07/2008 DME Siemens MS5150
DME / ECU Support list:
- 7557395 - 7566240 - 7553735
- 7520019 - 7527610 - 7542310